Using the Harbour


Visiting boats please contact Stewart Barclay, Harbour Master on 01333 330399

By Boat

Berthing Charges

Visitors berthing (up to 30ft) £25.00
Visitors berthing (up to 30ft) £150.00
Payment should be made to Harbour Master

By Land

Car Parking Charges

Up to 2 hours £3.50
Day ticket £6.00
Season ticket £50.00

Please Note

It is an offence to park on Elie Harbour Trust Property without a valid parking ticket.
(see bye-laws nos. 25 & 26)



Launch Charges

Launching any craft from the slipway or sand

Daily £15.00
Season £90.00


Mooring Information

Guide to mooring ropes & chains

Estimated depths and mooring line lengths

Mooring Application Form

The following application form should be used by persons requiring a mooring or pier berth:

Mooring Application Form Part A:Word DOCX | PDF
Mooring Application Form Part B:Word DOCX | PDF

Mooring Charges

Wall berth £25.00 per foot
Harbour berth £17.00 per foot
Admin fee (incl. season car pass) £40.00

Storage in boat park at harbour

Storage Charges

Summer storage (boat or trailer) £11.00 per foot
Winter storage (boat or trailer) £11.00 per foot
Hard standing (boat or trailer) £11.00 per foot